Park Seung Mo

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Park Seung Mo
Born in Korea, sculptor Park Seung Mo, who received his degree in Fine Arts at Dong A University in Korea in 1998, creates giant ephemeral portraits by cutting layer after layer of wire mesh. Each work begins with a photograph which is superimposed over layers of wire with a projector, then using a subtractive technique, Park slowly snips away areas of mesh. Each piece is several inches thick and each plane that forms the final image is spaced a few finger widths apart, giving the portraits a certain depth and dimensionality.
Park Seung Mo
 Stainless Steel Wire

Park Seung Mo
Lee Kuan Yew, 2015
Stainless Steel Wire Mesh
103 x 95.5 x 152.5cm
I like how Park Seung Mo can make sculptures so similar to actual photographs.