who we are
We are Art students from Hai Sing Catholic School and we are PASSIONART (hahahahahahaha) about Art! We share our research and findings here, hoping it'll benefit somebody one day, be it ourselves when we are taking our national exams, or you! :D We know how stressful it can be when it comes to national exams and when finding a suitable artist reference, henceeeeee, under the command of our Art teachers, we have decided to share this website with y'all! (':
We are Art students from Hai Sing Catholic School and we are PASSIONART (hahahahahahaha) about Art! We share our research and findings here, hoping it'll benefit somebody one day, be it ourselves when we are taking our national exams, or you! :D We know how stressful it can be when it comes to national exams and when finding a suitable artist reference, henceeeeee, under the command of our Art teachers, we have decided to share this website with y'all! (':
national exams can be scary, we know and we understand T.T
We hope to this lil space has benefited you in one way or another. Do link us up on your website if you'd like to visit us again or find us useful. If you'd like to contact us for any matters, you may email us here! Thank you for dropping by and we hope to see you again soon! :D